Network Attached Storage (NAS)

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Network Attached Storage (NAS) Data Recovery .

NAS is a type of file storage device that connects to a network. NAS devices, which do not have a keyboard or display, provide Local Area Network (LAN) nodes with file storage through a standard Ethernet connection. For sharing files over the network an Ethernet connection used by NAS employs.

Each NAS on the LAN acts as an independent network node which has its own IP address. Since the NAS device has an IP address, it will be accessible over the network via that IP address. It can be built with single drive or multiple drives and it provides higher capacity and greater data protection.

The existence of multiple computers on the network is a candidate for using a network attached storage (NAS) device. while others can do more tasks, such as sharing a printer among the networked PCs Some NAS servers are just used for backing up and sharing files across the network.

NAS has benefits such as good reading and writing performance, good data redundancy and protection options, offering security via data encryption, sharing files, backing up data from Windows, Mac, and possibly Linux machines and offering some cloud service for storage and data backup. NAS is a good option. Network-Attached Storage comprised of both hard disks and management software.

The application of NAS in homes is storing and serving multimedia files and automated backup. If a NAS device has a server mode, it can also act as an email, multimedia, database or print server for a small business. In enterprise level, a NAS array can be used as a backup for archiving and recovery. Also, some NAS products can hold enough disks to support RAID for greater data protection.

For those systems that must store a large amount of videos/images for many days, NAS serves files over a network. As a result, because of its independence NAS relieves the server of storage and file serving responsibilities and provides more flexibility in data access.

Common failures problems in NAS :-

NAS Software Corruption.

NAS Simultaneous Drive Crashed Data Recovery.

NAS multiple Hard Drive failures Recovery.

Storage disk failure- Storage device, Servers Drive,

Physical Damage- fire, water and smoke damage as any disk drive.

Virus Attack ,Reformat of NAS Volume Data Recovery.

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Data Recovery services in Delhi,India Call us 

NAS Data Recovery services in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, UP, India

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