Data Encryption

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What is Encryption and how it is important.

Information which is transmitted through the internet for making is secure encryption comes in mind because it can be only decrypted by some one who has the encryption key if it is encrypted be sender during sending information.

In current situation we do many activities on internet we shop , playing games interacting with friends and family through social sites read news it have change the lifestyle of the people and changed the way we learn and the work dependency. During process of browsing and searching information on internet we send out information about our identity and location other information but we think that we only received information but totally different.

During purchasing online and bucking we share our name address bank details card information we send to vendor through internet. It pass through internet and we read newspaper and watching news we hear about cyber crimes is so it is important that it should be safe and secure methods to ensure privacy and confidentiality of information.

Data Encryption

In case your data is sensitive and your are worry about data lose or some official work and important project which you save in your system we can use encryption or you can encrypt you data on your laptop hard drive encryption, USB hard drive encryption, Desktop Hard drive encryption, mobile devices and other storage devices , advantages of encryption is limited to the internet.

Two types of Encryption are

1. Public Key Encryption
2. Symmetric Key Encryption

Symmetric Key Encryption

Data Encryption Standard a kind of symmetric key encryption that replaced a modern advanced encryption stander , Symmetric Key Encryption makes process faster using this methods key and data can be compromised while floating on internet and sender who send data and receiver who received information both use same encryption key

Public Key Encryption

With public Key two different keys are used, it’s Private and Public key, when send information we encrypted data over internet to encrypt data we use public key and recipient will have to use private key , information can only be encrypted by using this.
For Transport Layer Security, Secure Socket Layer SSL, and Documents Sign digitally, sending secure emails are the examples of public key encryption systems where these methods are being used.

Contact us for encrypted hard drive data recovery.

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